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The 54th Session of the APO Governing Body (GBM) began at the Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre, Singapore, on 17 April 2012 and will continue until the 19th. The GBM meets annually to receive the Secretary-General’s annual report and the auditor’s financial report; decide on APO policies, strategies, directions, and membership; approve the rolling two-year plan and annual programs; lay down guidelines for the ensuing fiscal year’s program; and approve the budget and financial guidelines.
The GBM brought together 47 delegates from APO members and nine observers from the Colombo Plan, Pan African Productivity Association, Singapore Productivity Association, and Ministry of Science, Industry, and Technology of Turkey. Among the important agenda items for the 2012 GBM are a report on the review of the APO membership contribution formula and approval of the APO preliminary budget for the 2013–2014 biennium.
Chief Executive of SPRING Singapore Png Cheong Boon delivered the welcome remarks and called for members to “leverage this gathering of NPO leaders to discuss the future directions of the APO” and “take this opportunity to learn from one another and discuss collaboration opportunities.”
APO Chair Somdy Inmyxai delivered the opening address. He requested that APO members “…work together to overcome issues such as widening income disparities and to ensure inclusive economic development” The outgoing Chair also commented that, “Greater regional integration will also be necessary for the sustainable growth and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region. In this endeavor, the APO’s influence and importance cannot be overemphasized.”
Minister of State Lee Yi Shyan honored the GBM this year by presenting the inaugural address. He welcomed all GBM attendees and emphasized that, especially at this time, “The need for the productivity drive remains as relevant as before, if not more.”
Click here for speeches delivered during the 54th GBM.