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Distinguished delegates and representatives of APO members gathered in person after a two-year hiatus in face-to-face activities for the APO’s 63rd Workshop Meeting of Heads of NPOs (WSM) held in Bangkok, Thailand, 18–20 October 2022. The meeting is chaired by Satit Chanjavanakul, FTPI Board Member and Chairman of the TPI Board of Directors, and vice chaired by APO Alternate Director and NPO Head for Turkiye Gul Taskıran Battal.
Deputy Permanent Secretary Panuwat Triyangkulsri, Ministry of Industry of Thailand (left) and
APO Secretary-General, Dr. Indra Pradana Singawinata (right)
The WSM is an annual strategic planning meeting for APO members to deliberate on the biennial program plan and review initiatives to ensure that they respond effectively to the dynamic needs of their economies. The first day’s agenda included an inaugural address by Deputy Permanent Secretary Panuwat Triyangkulsri, Ministry of Industry of Thailand, and presentations of reports by the APO Secretariat, such as the evaluation of 2020 and 2021 projects, updated APO National Award Program, and progress of Green Productivity 2.0.
To mark the successful completion of the APO’s COE on Business Excellence, Secretary-General Dr. Indra Pradana Singawinata congratulated and presented a plaque to NPO Head for Singapore Michael Tan for the decade-long contributions to promoting and sharing best practices with APO members. The resumed face-to-face modality inspired in-depth discussions and deliberations among delegates, which will serve as important inputs for ongoing and future activities of the APO.
On day 2 of the three-day meeting, representatives from APO members will share their NPOs’ strategies to promote national productivity movements and discuss the proposed program and project lineups for 2023–24. To conclude the 63rd WSM, an International Conference on Green Economy Growth: Synergizing Green Productivity and the Circular Economy will be organized on the final day as part of the series of events to commemorate the APO’s Diamond Jubilee.
Guest of honors and Heads of NPOs in attendance of the 63rd WSM
Watch: News coverage by NBT News, Thailand.
Photos: FTPI