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The 6th Annual Meeting of the APO Accreditation Body (APO-AB) Council began on 5 March in Hanoi, a significant milestone in the APO Accreditation and Certification Program. The meeting was attended by APO-AB Council members for 2023–25 from the ROC, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam to discuss and set the future directions for accreditation practices within member economies.
APO Secretary-General and APO-AB Chair Dr. Indra Pradana Singawinata delivered the opening remarks, expressing gratitude to APO Director for Vietnam Dr. Ha Minh Hiep, the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality (STAMEQ), and Vietnam Productivity Institute (VNPI) for their roles in hosting the meeting. Dr. Indra also extended appreciation to the council members attending in person.
The agenda for the 6th APO-AB Council Meeting included progress reports after the 5th meeting held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, in 2023, showcasing the strides made in the APO Accreditation Program. Notable achievements in 2023 were the accreditation of four more certification bodies (CBs), the ongoing development program aimed at accrediting CBs in several other members, updates to certification schemes, and the endorsement of a draft mutual recognition agreement.
The meeting will continue through 6 March, followed by the International Conference on Productivity Accreditation and Certification, hosted by STAMEQ, the VNPI, and Vietnam Productivity Certification Body (ViProCB) on 7 March, also in Hanoi. These back-to-back events demonstrate the APO’s commitment to enhancing productivity and its accreditation and certification standards across the region, leading to continuous improvement and cooperation among its members.
APO-AB Council Members