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Participants learning about the APO
In an effort to expand its network of contacts with international organizations, national agencies, and institutions in countries outside its membership, the APO undertakes numerous international cooperation programs and activities. As part of these efforts, the APO deputed Information Officer Sunju Lee to make a presentation on the APO for eight officials from three Andean countries on 8 February. They were in Japan to take part in the Andean Community Productivity Improvement Course organized by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and implemented by the Pacific Resource Exchange Center at Tokyo International Center (JICA Tokyo).
Ms. Lee emphasizing the importance of the APO–NPO network
Mr. Alvaro (L) thanking the APO
The presentation introduced the work of the APO, focusing on the importance of its regional network to the productivity movement. The necessity of close cooperation with and interaction between the APO and national productivity organizations (NPOs) was highlighted.
Participants expressed great interest in APO activities, in particular the publications available free of charge on its Web site. Executive Director Karina Quintero, Incubar del Caribe, Colombia, said, “I checked the APO Web site and was impressed with those publications. We really appreciated your initiative.” Chief of Municipal Economic Development Department Nestor Alvaro, Municipal Government of San Juan, Bolivia, shared his experience in the community development program in San Juan and wanted to learn more about the APO’s Integrated Community Development projects. Alvaro thanked the APO on behalf of other participants and hoped that further communication would lead to future collaboration.