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The impacts of the digital revolution on the economy are vast and continue to grow. Technologies, smart applications, and other digital innovations are improving services in a wide range of areas, including health, agriculture, public governance, taxation, transport, education, and the environment. The ROK, a leading digital innovator, has recently adopted the Digital New Deal policy to improve the investment and regulatory environment supporting digital economic transformation, thereby expanding national digitalization progress.
The Korea Productivity Center collaborated with the APO Secretariat to organize a face-to-face multicountry observational study mission on Productivity and Innovation for the Digital Economy, 20–22 December, to examine the best digital economy practices and study the ROK’s strategy and policy initiatives. Eighteen participants from 10 APO members were guided by two resource persons from the ROK and the Philippines during discussions and in-person site visits to learn about organizational initiatives and structures to encourage digital transformation, capabilities required to adopt digitalization, and digital economy policies and strategies to facilitate innovation and productivity growth.