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The Asian Productivity Organization (APO) along with the China Productivity Center (CPC) recently concluded a program for the training of trainers and consultants to develop and certify productivity practitioners specialized in Green Productivity (GP). The intensive three-week course aimed at equipping participants with in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in the methodology, tools, and techniques to enable them to lead environment related initiatives as APO-certified GP specialists.
GP is a strategy for enhancing productivity and environmental performance for overall socioeconomic development. It involves the application of appropriate productivity and environmental management tools, techniques, and technologies to reduce the environmental impact of an organization’s activities, goods, and services.
The Training of Trainers and Consultants in Green Productivity for APO-certified GP specialists was organized in Taipei, Republic of China, from 14 August to 1 September 2017. The 19-day program covered GP methodology, techniques, and tools as well as emerging environment-related issues, such as green energy, waste management, and environmental management systems. A total of 19 participants from 12 member countries attended the course. The APO assigned resource persons from Malaysia and Singapore, who were supported by local experts identified by the CPC.
The training also aimed to develop future GP experts equipped with up-to-date skills and knowledge to tackle environmental issues that are constantly changing and evolving. The APO specialist certification scheme was introduced, under which participants who attended the training course are given six months to complete and submit a GP project to qualify as specialists
APO Resource Person from Singapore Kelvin Chan encouraged participants to create and strengthen relationships with clients in order to provide effective training and consultancy in GP. He also advised them to understand the business objectives of each client before providing recommendations and solutions. The most important element, he cautioned, was to maintain the confidentiality of all information and data received from clients.
The companies involved in the practical GP diagnostic study appreciated the efforts of participants in drafting valuable reports on improving business operations. Kinik Company Vice Chair Dr. Willie Pai welcomed all the observations and recommendations presented and added that the inputs provided were very useful and feasible for immediate adoption by the company.
In his closing remarks, CPC Senior Director of Planning and Research Dr. Eugene Lin congratulated all participants for completing the three-week course. The main challenge for the CPC in organizing the course was to identify companies to participate in the GP diagnostic study. However, based on the quality of the reports produced by the participants at the end of the course, he believed that more companies would take part in the future.