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Thirteen participants from nine Asian Productivity Organization (APO) member countries are attending the study mission on Lean and Advanced Technology in Healthcare Services. The five-day mission in Los Angeles and Palm Springs, CA, 5–9 June 2017 has been organized to coincide with the Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit 2017. APO mission members will attend the second day of the summit, focusing on advances in lean healthcare. The study mission provides information on advanced technology and future trends in the healthcare sector for accelerated productivity growth and competitiveness.
During the visit, participants will learn from the experiences of transformation in healthcare technology in providing services to end users and study the best practices of process improvement through lean applications in the US healthcare sector. They can also establish peer group networks with experts and professionals in the field while visiting several excellent healthcare organizations during this mission. Furthermore, this project aims to expand the coverage of APO service-sector related programs.
With more than half of the world’s population living in Asia, the region offers the highest potential for growth in the healthcare sector. While rising incomes and spending power, greater awareness of healthy lifestyles, and aging populations have made it imperative to improve healthcare and treatment facilities, people are also demanding higher-quality service provision. Therefore, a transformation of the entire healthcare ecosystem is required, from pharmaceuticals to makers of health devices, and from insurance companies to hospital chain operators.
Experts indicate that one of the largest transformations in the sector will occur through mergers of healthcare and technology, be it home healthcare, home monitoring, or wearable devices. The use of smartphones, connected medical accessories, and health-related apps has increased in the past two years. Wider adoption of such technology could improve the service quality of healthcare organizations by squeezing out administrative waste, reducing costly errors, and managing chronic conditions better.
The study mission includes site visits, expert presentations, facilitated discussions, and group work. The APO expects that participants will adopt and implement the lessons learned from healthcare communities including providers, employers, purchasers, and patients to improve speedy delivery and value creation in their countries.