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APO Secretariat town hall meeting: Productivity concepts and tools for organizational success

19 Jun 2024

Secretary-General Dr. Indra Pradana Singawinata delivering opening remarks.

The APO Secretariat held a town hall meeting on 14 June to foster open dialogue among staff members. This initiative reflects Secretary-General Dr. Indra’s commitment to making town halls a regular platform for collective discussion. He shared aspirations drawn from the 66th Session of the APO Governing Body and encouraged staff to actively participate and share their views, emphasizing that collective input is essential for the APO’s ongoing development and success.

Arysoni Buana, Head of the Individual-country Division, led the session with an engaging presentation on productivity concepts. His explanation was particularly beneficial for new staff members, helping to establish a shared understanding across the Secretariat. He defined productivity as “doing the right things right,” highlighting innovation and quality as the fundamental drivers of productivity.

The second part of the session focused on learning from the Executive Leadership Program for NPOs conducted in collaboration with INSEAD in April. This segment provided key insights on leadership and strategic development, with discussions centered on the importance of recognizing the organization’s unique strengths and comparative advantages. Buana stressed the need to leverage these insights and available tools to develop a more focused, effective organizational strategy, aligning efforts with the APO’s core services.

Secretariat staff shared their perspectives and contributed to the open discussions. This collaborative spirit underscored the value of the town hall forum in enhancing communication and fostering a more inclusive environment. The meeting demonstrated the importance of engaging all members in the strategic development process, reinforcing the collective commitment to advancing the APO’s organizational goals.

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