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Secretary-General Dr. Indra Pradana Singawinata visited Jakarta, 6–9 March, to strengthen the partnership between the APO and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. During his visit, Dr. Indra met Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah and other senior officials to discuss several issues, including initiatives to enhance national productivity growth, effective strategies to socialize APO programs, roles of the NPO, and involvement of other national stakeholders.
During the meeting with Minister Ida Fauziyah, Dr. Indra offered support in developing a national productivity master plan. Such master plans are comprehensive blueprints comprising milestones, strategies, and roadmaps to raise national productivity growth. Minister Ida appreciated the offer of support, and the Ministry of Manpower will work with the APO in drafting the plan. Indonesia became a member of the APO in 1968, and the Directorate for Productivity Development, Ministry of Manpower, is designated as the NPO.
Dr. Indra (L) paying a courtesy call on Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah in Jakarta.
During the visit, Dr. Indra also had meetings with other ministries and organizations including the Ministry of National Development Planning; Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration; Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund; and University of Indonesia.