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Social enterprises have become increasingly popular in various countries in recent years. Several examples show that social enterprises are effective means of creating vibrant rural communities. They are able to reach and address the needs of stakeholders in rural areas, especially micro and small entrepreneurs who have limited or no access to basic support services from government agencies and financial institutions. However, the concepts and models vary among countries.
Cambodian Ministry of Industries and Handicrafts Senior Minister Dr. Cham Prasidh addressing the inaugural session of the Workshop on the Development of Productive Rural Communities through Social Enterprises.
In an effort to assist social entrepreneurs, policymakers, and NGOs involved in the promotion and implementation of programs for the development of social enterprises, especially in rural communities, the APO is holding a Workshop on the Development of Productive Rural Communities through Social Enterprises, 6–10 February 2017. The five-day workshop is organized in association with the National Productivity Centre of Cambodia (NPCC) in Phnom Penh. Twenty-three participants from 12 APO member countries are attending the workshop conducted by resource persons from India, Pakistan, Uganda, and host country Cambodia.
Addressing the inaugural session, chief guest Senior Minister Dr. Cham Prasidh, Cambodian Ministry of Industries and Handicrafts, highlighted the role of social enterprises in rural development. Sharing details on their impact in the country, the minister reported that more than 5,000 farm families had been trained by the Cambodian Center for Study and Development in Agriculture on technologies to improve rice production and build cooperatives, providing them with links to markets where they can sell their products. “This has helped them earn higher incomes and they can now afford to send their children to school,” he stated.
The minister also thanked the APO for its continued support to the NPCC in its efforts to promote productivity improvement across Cambodia and hoped that workshop participants would be able to learn how social enterprises could scale up their operations; the emerging opportunities and challenges in operating such enterprises; and strategies, tools, and techniques to deal with them.
NPCC Director Heng Eang and APO Secretariat Agriculture Department Program Officer Dr. Shaikh Tanveer Hossain also shared their views during the session attended by APO Director for Cambodia Phork Sovanrith.
Photos: NPCC
Click here for opening speech by Cambodian Ministry of Industries and Handicrafts Senior Minister Dr. Cham Prasidh.