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Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that puts people’s needs at the forefront of the innovation process. When applied in the public sector, the use of design thinking can transform how public-sector organizations engage with citizens, enhance operations, and innovate across a broad spectrum of public management challenges, with the aim of achieving more efficient, effective performance in delivering services. Design methodologies can be applied to public services to enhance services for citizens, which corresponds to many APO members’ needs in meeting citizens’ expectations.
To train participants in the use of design thinking tools for applications in public-sector organizations to enhance public-service delivery, the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia conducted a training course on Design Thinking to Improve Public Service Delivery from 15–19 July in Denpasar, Indonesia. Twenty-two participants from six APO members completed the course, led by three resource persons, one each from the ROC, Indonesia, and Japan.
The training course imparted knowledge on design thinking and how it could be applied to public services to raise citizen satisfaction. Participants were equipped with tools and methodologies for applying design thinking. They were also familiarized with examples from the ROC, Japan, and Indonesia and developed an understanding of how public services, including infrastructure accessibility, policy making, and services for citizens, could be strengthened with design methodologies. The participants applied the learning to identify potential pain points of public-service delivery and proposed innovative solutions to enhance the services.