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L-R: Dr. Pungkas Bahjuri Ali, APO Secretary-General Dr. Indra Pradana Singawinata, Dr. Chairil Abdini, and Professor Herawati Sudoyo.
Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Secretary-General Dr. Indra Pradana Singawinata received a visit to the Secretariat by a delegation led by Dr. Chairil Abdini, Special Staff to the Minister, Ministry of National Development Planning, Republic of Indonesia (BAPPENAS) on 20 December.
Secretary-General Dr. Indra gave an overview of APO activities to support productivity growth in Indonesia and how they have evolved over the years in tandem with changes in the productivity landscape. The delegation appreciated the introduction to those initiatives and noted that productivity growth was a goal for most countries in the region.
Dr. Chairil Abdini and Secretary-General Dr. Indra discussed how the APO could assist mainstreaming productivity to the long-term development plans of Indonesia to accelerate its progress towards an advanced, prosperous, and sustainable country. Dr. Chairil Abdini and Secretary-General Dr. Indra agreed on the importance of clear objectives coupled with effective implementation, monitoring, and regular review of progress to ensure that the plans were on track to achieve prosperity through productivity growth.
Dr. Chairil Abdini and Secretary-General Dr. Indra agreed to remain in close communication and explore ways to bolster the productivity growth of Indonesia and the region.