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Digital upgrading has become indispensable for SME productivity and competitiveness in the constantly changing business environment. However, the majority of SMEs face challenges in mobilizing financial and human resources, accessing suitable technologies and infrastructure, effectively using data, and maximizing the value of digitalization. Sharing suitable strategies and good practices can help SMEs in APO members identify practical steps to initiate, implement, and sustain digital upgrading and innovation.
The ROC has been proactively facilitating the digital transformation of SMEs through the APO Center of Excellence on Smart Manufacturing. A study mission to the ROC on Digital Innovation for SMEs was organized by the China Productivity Center (CPC) in Taipei, the ROC, from 6 to 8 November 2024 to observe the good practices and strategies of SMEs in the ROC related to digital upgrading. Thirty-eight participants from 15 APO members completed the study mission, led by three resource persons, two from the ROC and one from Japan.
During the study mission, participants visited Galaxy Software Service Corporation, the Industry Accelerator and Incubation Center of Chung Yuan Christian University, Hsinming Youth Hub, and Andong Youth Hub, which were supported by the Taoyuan City Government, to observe how SMEs and startups in the ROC were assisted to leverage digital technologies for transformation and innovation. They also observed the applications of recycling and smart agriculture technologies at Strawberry School, which incorporated innovative ideas and technologies to contribute to sustainable development and net-zero goals. Participants also established a network of professionals through their discussions with developers of digital technologies, entrepreneurs, representatives of industry associations and places of learning, and government officials facilitating digital transformation.