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Digital technologies have been a key enabler for business transformation. The strong correlation between productivity and the adoption of digital technologies has prompted many Asian countries to accelerate digitalization in their industries. The 2021 IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking measured the quality of government policies in promoting the use of digital technology, where the ROC was ranked in 8th place among 64 economies, demonstrating its strength in supporting businesses in their digital upgrading journeys.
To disseminate good practices of national strategies among its members, the APO Secretariat facilitated a virtual study mission from 19 to 20 July for a delegation of government and industry representatives from Malaysia to observe the implementation of digitalization strategies in the ROC. Fifteen delegates affiliated with the implementation of Malaysia’s investment, trade, and productivity improvement strategies learned about the ROC’s initiatives to upgrade its manufacturing sector. The delegates connected with businesses, consultancy providers, and a research institute to discuss trends in technology development, energy issues, and information security;examples drawn from businesses demonstrated the challenges in digitalizing the manufacturing sector and how they could be overcome. The virtual visit provided good opportunities for benchmarking and gave references for Malaysia’s further initiatives to enhance its ecosystem for digital transformation.