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The China Productivity Center (CPC) and Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Secretariat organized a virtual multicountry observational study mission (OSM) on Application of Alternative Energy Sources for Decarbonization, 13–14 December. It provided insights into emerging technological advances for sourcing energy from nonfossil fuel-based sources. Thirty-eight participants from 10 APO member countries attended, along with five resource persons, three from the ROC, one from India, and one from the ROK, who shared information on policy landscapes, adoption of renewable energy, and trends in alternative energy sources.
Solar, wind, hydro, and biomass energy options are alternatives to address multifaceted challenges faced by industry. Along with other transition-related technologies, they are vital in achieving national goals to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5°C above preindustrial levels, as agreed under the Glasgow Climate Pact during COP26 held in 2021. The two-day OSM was aligned with the APO Green Productivity concept of strengthening environmental performance while increasing the productivity and profitability of enterprises. It focused on decarbonizing energy-based activities and processes in APO members, while harnessing and storing energy effectively. Information on alternative energy sources for cleaner industrialization, advances in harnessing renewable energy, and applications of integrated renewable energy systems for businesses was shared.
The ROC’s recent plan to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 includes energy and industrial transitions as key strategies. Maximizing renewable energy, building zero-carbon fuel supply systems, advances in energy storage, and electric vehicle use are some of those strategies. The resource persons provided information on policy frameworks for accelerating the adoption of clean energy. LDS Energy Co. Ltd. in ROC hosted a virtual site visit to demonstrate its energy storage, micro grid, and energy-monitoring systems.