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The Asian Productivity Organization (APO) in cooperation with the National Productivity Secretariat (NPS) organized a conference to disseminate the results of a demonstration company project at Waters Edge, Sri Lanka, on 25 April 2017. It was attended by H.E. Ranjith Maddumabandara, Minister of Public Administration, NPS Director General Thilaka Jayasundara, and over 150 individuals from energy-related fields in the public and private sectors. The demonstration company, Wijeya Newspapers, shared examples of its applications of energy management tools and techniques as well as the results it achieved.
The demonstration project was carried out under the Special Cash Grant Program on Energy Conservation funded by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan. The APO has organized projects on the Development of Demonstration Companies on Energy Conservation to build the capacity for increased energy efficiency and conservation in the five member countries Bangladesh, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka since August 2015.
The establishment of demonstration companies not only disseminates techniques for energy conservation to individual companies but also encourages similar efforts by SMEs and public- and private-sector organizations throughout the country so that the benefits can be shared nationwide. Multiplier effects are expected after the training of trainers within the NPS and the demonstration company through onsite assistance provided by experts.
Wijeya Newspapers saw significant results, including a 15% improvement in energy performance indicators and reductions in electricity usage. The results were remarkable, especially because the benefits were not only cost reductions for the firm but also increased awareness of the need for energy efficiency and conservation and a change in the mindset of employees after formulating an energy policy and setting related guidelines. The strong commitment from top management was a key success factor in this project, and the advice offered by experts and support from the APO were appreciated at all levels of Wijeya Newspapers.