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An online consultation project was implemented by a resource person from the UK with the APO Center of Excellence (COE) on IT for Industry 4.0, 15 April–15 May. This project aimed at developing a need and readiness assessment survey for the adoption of Industry 4.0 and AI tools and technologies for digital transformation of SMEs. An assessment model and roadmap to disseminate, test, and measure readiness for the adoption of AI tools and technologies of SMEs in APO members will be developed based on the consultation project.
NPC officers were updated on conducting need and readiness assessment for the adoption of Industry 4.0 and AI tools for smart manufacturing by SMEs. That know-how can be disseminated throughout the APO membership by NPC trainers. Follow-up activities will include pilot testing of surveys in other members, development of a training toolkit for SMEs on the adoption of Industry 4.0 and AI tools, and sharing best practices through an international conference planned for early 2025.