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The APO continues to support NPOs through its TES program, which offers tailored solutions to address emerging productivity challenges. A face-to-face capacity building project entitled Consultant Development Program: Leveraging AI Technologies for Smart Manufacturing in SMEs was implemented in association with NPS Sri Lanka from 21–25 October 2024 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. This TES project was designed based on an understanding of barriers to productivity growth in Sri Lanka’s SME sector, which include outdated manufacturing practices, high production costs, and limited technological adoption. It promoted AI-driven smart manufacturing as a transformative solution for enhancing efficiency and product quality.
One international resource person from the ROC delivered lectures on the fundamentals of digital transformation and key drivers; SME challenges, barriers, and strategies; AI evolution and trends; the application of AI to production, operation, quality control, and predictive maintenance; business model transformation; measuring success; return on investment; etc. The project attracted 27 participants from government departments and SMEs. It deepened their understanding through lectures, case studies, interactive exercises, and consultations, offering valuable insights into the application of AI technologies.
The participants indicated that they were satisfied with the project’s relevance, effective organization, and the expertise of the resource person. They also found the networking opportunities presented by the project to be highly valuable and anticipated improved performance at work. At the same time, suggestions for improvement included adding practical workshops, real-life case studies, and AI-enabled manufacturing sessions to enhance learning and application, further strengthening the project’s impact on productivity improvement. By enhancing the capacity of NPO staff and stakeholders, the project aligned with the APO Vision 2025 goal of sustained productivity growth and contributed to quality of the workforce, a key result area.