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Digital transformation is crucial for enhancing productivity and socioeconomic development. The APO recognizes the necessity for more effective strategies and frameworks to address the evolving digital transformation needs of its members. The China Productivity Center (CPC) and APO Secretariat organized an online workshop on Industrial Ecosystems for Digital Transformation, 16–18 August, attended by 28 participants representing 12 APO member economies and facilitated by three resource persons from the ROC, Germany, and the ROK.
Industrial landscapes are becoming more complicated, dynamic, and connected, and thus ecosystems can foster conducive, collaborative networks for spreading successful digital transformation strategies among stakeholders. Such ecosystems help organizations to navigate the complexities of digital transformation more effectively and efficiently. They offer robust platforms for risk mitigation, regulatory support, and access to broader markets, creating an environment enabling learning and skill development.
This workshop focused on exploring and providing references for digital transformation strategies for higher productivity. Topics presented and discussed covered ecosystem approaches, national strategies, value chains, and the role of industrial ecosystems in the manufacturing and IT sectors. The discussions addressed the gaps in responses of APO members to Industry 4.0, noting that while digital upgrading is often led by government agencies, SMEs are lagging behind. Participants were also guided in developing inclusive policies and strategies involving various stakeholders within ecosystems to contribute to comprehensive digital transformation.