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As part of the APO’s support for the members of the Green Productivity Advisory Committee (GPAC), we are pleased to provide information on the symposium to be held in Singapore and Malaysia described below. During this symposium, many GPAC member corporations will present their eco-friendly activities under the theme of Green IT. The GPAC, established in 2003, is comprised of eco-friendly leaders of Japanese industry. GPAC members are high-level representatives from leading Japanese corporations that have demonstrated excellence and innovation in environmental technology and management philosophy.
February 16, 2009 (Singapore)
Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre
February 18, 2009 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
Dealing with global warming is a new management issue for the Asian nations. Twenty-first century business management and business strategy must engage directly with environmental issues, as is now internationally reorganized.
Particularly when it comes to manufacturing electronic and electrical equipment, while IT advances have enabled remarkable progress in energy control management and factory automation, more attention needs to be paid to ensuring eco-friendliness. Another area requiring an urgent response is the ongoing rise in power consumption that has inevitably accompanied the greater use of IT and other electrical devices by increasingly information-based societies.
Holding the Green IT International Symposium at the Foundation for Asian Management Development (FAMD) will offer an opportunity to communicate the importance and utility of green IT in addressing this increasingly serious hike in power consumption, and contribute to business management as an international effort launched from Asia.
Please click here to download the symposium brochure or visit the event website at: www.greenit-pc.jp