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Task force (TF) members (left to right): award program expert Charlene Corrin; APO Secretary-General and TF Chair, Dr. Indra Pradana Singawinata; APO Chair and Director for Fiji, Jone Maritino Nemani; Executive Director for the World Bank, Dr. Wempi Saputra (on screen); Managing Director of Sipro Plastic Industries Sdn Bhd, Datuk Noraini Soltan; APO Director for Vietnam, Dr. Ha Minh Hiep; and acting APO Director and NPO Head for the Republic of China, Dr. Pao-Cheng Chang. (Not pictured: TF representative from India.)
Established in 1978, the APO Awards recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions to productivity improvement and promotion across APO members and the broader Asia-Pacific region. The program underwent significant updates in 2021 to commemorate the organization’s 60th anniversary, introducing changes to the frequency, categories, and criteria of the awards. To ensure the program remains a prestigious platform for recognition and outreach under these revised conditions, a follow-up review was approved by the 66th Session of the APO Governing Body, leading to the formation of a dedicated task force (TF).
On 16–17 December, a hybrid TF meeting for the follow-up review was organized and hosted by the APO Secretariat in Tokyo. TF members participated online and in-person to review and strengthen the APO Award program in line with the direction and feedback from the 65th and 66th Sessions of the APO Governing Body. Building on insights gathered from the data collection and discussions during the online preparatory meeting on 19 November, the TF reviewed key focus areas such as nomination processes, screening and judging mechanisms, and the conferment frequency.
The deliberations focused on ensuring the APO Awards continue to uphold their credibility and prestige. The TF meeting concluded with carefully considered recommendations, which will be presented for further consideration at the next Session of the APO Governing Body. This initiative reaffirms the APO’s commitment to honoring those who champion productivity excellence.