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Aquaculture, also known as aqua farming, is the cultivation of aquatic organisms in both coastal and inland areas. Global food security issues arising from population increases and rising protein requirements fuel the growth of the aquaculture market. Aquaculture is growing faster than other major food production sectors, and Asia dominates global aquaculture, accounting for 92% of total production. In recent years, innovative technologies and practices have been recognized for improving aquaculture productivity.
In light of these trends, the APO organized a virtual training course on Innovative Aquaculture Models, 16–18 November. This course included sessions on innovations in aquaculture for greater sustainability, recent advances in aquaculture in Bangladesh, new hatchery management techniques, business initiatives in aquaculture, and antimicrobial resistance and probiotic use in modern aquaculture. In his opening remarks, Mr. Muhammad Mesbahul Alam, Director General (Additional Secretary), National Productivity Organisation, Ministry of Industries, Bangladesh, highlighted the significance of aquaculture opportunities for his country.
Forty participants and an observer from 14 member countries participated in this training course. There were three resource persons from Bangladesh, Malaysia, and the Philippines, who shared their expertise and experience in aquaculture and guided discussions.