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The 27th Top Management Forum on Asian Dynamism and Global Management, hosted by the APO, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan, and Japan Productivity Center (JPC), in cooperation with the Kansai Productivity Center (KPC), was held 14–16 February 2011, in Kyoto, Japan. The forum brought together top business executives, senior government officials, and executives of national productivity organizations to study key success factors of global management behind dynamic Asian enterprises.
APO Secretary-General Ryuichiro Yamazaki welcomed the 30 participants from 18 APO member economies. He stressed the importance of this forum “when interdependent Asian economies are seizing new opportunities to expand beyond their domestic and regional markets.” JPC President Tsuneaki Taniguchi noted that the forum had been held since 1985 and continued to play a major role in promoting management innovation. President of Sumitomo Metal Industries Hiroshi Tomono introduced Kyoto, not only as a cultural heritage and tourism site but also as a center of creativity and manufacturing and cited various modernization efforts made by the company in copper production and trade.
In the session on “Asian Diversity and Dynamism of Innovation Management,” Dr. Yoshiya Teramoto, Professor of Waseda Business School, Waseda University Graduate School of Commerce, used the tale Momotaro (Peach Boy) to illustrate the importance of managing diversity to achieve specific goals, noting that “well-managed diversity can lead to innovation.” Deputy Director Kazutoshi Shimura, Economic Partnership Division, Trade Policy Bureau, METI, Japan, and Director of FTA Policy and Planning Insang Hwang, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Republic of Korea, presented their respective governmental perspectives on trade and emphasized economic integration and cooperation.
Senior executives of Japanese private-sector firms such as Tokyo Electron Ltd., Nambu Co. Ltd., Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd., and Ootoya Co. Ltd. shared insights on global management and strategies. On the final day, forum participants visited Omron Kyoto Taiyo Co. Ltd., a manufacturer of electrical and mechanical devices, to observe best practices of global management firsthand. This annual forum provides an opportunity for Asian business and industry leaders to interact, not only to share experiences and knowledge but also to develop common global management strategies tapping inherent Asian dynamism.