News  »  » Malaysian delegates benchmark against innovative talent development strategies in Japan development strategies in Japan


Malaysian delegates benchmark against innovative talent development strategies in Japan development strategies in Japan

2 Oct 2024

In a move to enhance national productivity and competitiveness, six delegates from Malaysia representing government institutions attended an Individual-country Observational Study Mission (IOSM) on Talent Development for Enhanced Productivity and Competitiveness in Japan from 18 to 20 September. The project was supported by two resource persons from Japan. The mission equipped participants with knowledge and experience on Japanese productivity development initiatives and strategies. Additionally, they were able to benchmark against best practices in productivity-related programs delivered by public and private institutions.

The resource persons facilitating the mission emphasized the role of need assessment and data-driven research in shaping effective training programs. They shared the evolution of Japan’s talent development landscape, spotlighting its milestone achievements and the strategic frameworks that underpin its continued success. These expert insights shed light on how Japan consistently tackles emerging challenges and maximizes the potential of its workforce to sustain its competitive edge in the global economy.

The IOSM also featured interactive, hands-on sessions, which provided participants with practical exposure to talent and skill development initiatives. Delegates engaged in comprehensive discussions on topics including workforce upskilling, digital transformation in human resource practices, and the alignment of training programs with industry needs. During the program, the delegates visited several organizations, including the Japan Productivity Center (JPC), the Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers (JEED), the Polytechnic Center Chiba of JEED, Higher Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), and the Labour College of the Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training (JILPT).

The delegates remarked that Japan’s approach to talent development, driven by close collaboration among government, academia, and industry, presents invaluable lessons for Malaysia’s own efforts in fostering a highly skilled, future-ready workforce. This knowledge exchange is poised to play a critical role in shaping Malaysia’s policies and strategies, advancing its goals of becoming a leading hub for innovation and productivity in the ASEAN region.

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