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Developing a common approach to
KM measurement
“Knowledge management (KM) is not only one of the APO’s thrust areas but it is growing in importance in this fast-changing and globalized world,” APO Secretary-General Shigeo Takenaka stated in his address made at the International Productivity Conference: Knowledge Management from Brain to Business held in January this year in Thailand. The KM concept has steadily gained acceptance in APO member countries, as KM has been identified as the key to future growth for all businesses. Understanding the importance of KM, the APO continues to step up its efforts to review and promote the concept, particularly its relevance and contributions to enhancing productivity in member countries.
The APO dispatched a five-member fact-finding mission to the USA and UK in May this year to identify the emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities in the areas of KM and examine new methodologies, tools, and techniques appropriate for member countries. As a follow-up, it also organized an expert working group meeting on KM in September in the Philippines to produce the first draft of the APO KM framework and definition that can be easily understood by and applicable to all APO member countries regardless of economic development stage or level of maturity.
Participants and resource speakers at the study meeting
As part of ongoing efforts in the area of KM, the APO organized a study meeting on Methodologies for KM Measurement in the Philippines in collaboration with the Development Academy of the Philippines-Center for Quality and Competitiveness (DAP-CQC), 23−26 October, to analyze case studies of KM practice comparatively and develop a common framework for KM measurement integrated with the APO framework produced at the previous expert meeting. Sixteen participants from 12 member countries attended and commented on the proposed framework. They suggested that the APO offer more tailored training courses on KM, preferably aligned with the APO framework.
Three resource speakers, Principal and Consultant John Robert Vucko, John Vucko Partners in Excellence, Australia, Director Praba Nair, KDiAsia, Singpaore, and Managing Director Dr. Rory L. Chase, Teleos, UK, were dispatched by the APO. During the meeting, participants visited the Asian Development Bank and observed its KM practices and use of measurement tools.