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The APO organized its second face-to-face in-country observational study mission (IOSM) after a two-year shift to the virtual modality necessitated by COVID-19-related restrictions. The IOSM on Human Capital Development for Higher Productivity from Malaysia to Singapore, 20–22 July, was a fact-finding technical visit to benchmark against best practices. Human capital is a key driver of economic growth and socioeconomic development, and to accelerate its development the Government of Malaysia emphasized human capital in its Twelve Malaysia Plan (RMK-12) and Malaysia Productivity Blueprint (MPB).
The IOSM to Singapore was undertaken to support government initiatives focusing on realigning the labor market for inclusive, sustainable growth as well as developing future-ready talent. The 12-member delegation was led by the Director-General, Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC), and included MPC staff in charge of talent, productivity, and competitiveness development. Other delegates were affiliated with industry and employers’ associations, the Ministry of Human Resources, Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister’s Department, and Special Task Force to Facilitate Business (PEMUDAH).
The mission achieved its intended outcomes, including learning about best practices in human capital development and initiatives that could be adapted for the realignment of future talent in Malaysia. It provided ideas on how to expand collaboration between the government and communities to promote more effective productivity and competitiveness initiatives. The mission also examined innovative collaborative techniques linking public- and private-sector strategies.