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Meeting in progress
Chairman of the National Statistical Office (NSO) of Mongolia Sonomtseren visited the APO Secretariat and met Secretary-General Shigeo Takenaka on 2 June 2009. During the visit, Chairman Sonomtseren reconfirmed commitment to the collaboration between the APO and the NSO of Mongolia on productivity statistics. The research is part of the APO survey initiative of the Research and Planning Department to assist member countries in establishing cardinal economic statistics to enable accurate productivity measurement, including TFP. This will in turn enable member governments to chart more effective pro-growth economic policies. Under this initiative, Mongolia with assistance from the APO is conducting a national wealth survey to establish data on capital expenditure. Important productivity indicators will be collected, compiled, and computed to assess economic development appropriately. Chairman Sonomtseren and Secretary-General Takenaka jointly emphasized the importance of successful research outcomes.
Secretary-General Takenaka (center) explaining APO’s productivity measurement project
NSO Chairman Sonomtseren (L), NSO Officer Yalalt Ganbat (R)