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Green manufacturing (GM) improves competitiveness and sustainability by reducing resource use and associated adverse environmental and social impacts. GM is aligned with the APO’s Green Productivity (GP) concept of environmental awareness, protection, and sustainability while promoting productivity. Combining GM with innovative strategies and techniques to become more eco-efficient and raise productivity can contribute to achieving industrial sustainability.
The China Productivity Center (CPC) organized a face-to-face APO multicountry observational study mission on Promoting Green Manufacturing in Taipei, 3–5 October. It was attended by 36 participants from 15 member economies and facilitated by two resource persons from the ROC and the Philippines. Topics covered included global resource management, the role of GM in the circular economy, outlook for GP 2.0 and GM, GM strategies for SMEs, and GM best practices implemented by APO members. It also showcased GM implementation through site visits to six local companies in different sectors, while examining public policies on GM adoption to enhance overall industrial competitiveness and sustainability.
Although GM practices were initially adopted by large-scale enterprises, SMEs are benefiting from their adoption to adhere to environmental regulations. GM measures address local and regional environmental issues, help to mitigate climate change, and contribute to the conservation of biodiversity in line with the APO’s GP initiatives.