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From the last quarter of 2022, it appeared that the COVID-19 pandemic was coming to an end. At the same time, the importance of improving productivity was more evident than ever for postpandemic socioeconomic growth. We were able to meet and greet each other again physically after more than three years of relying on virtual platforms. The APO’s 60-year anniversary event in Pakistan and the 64th Workshop Meeting of Heads of NPOs (WSM) in Thailand reunited us physically and rejuvenated the strong bonds among members. In addition, several meetings were held with ministers as well as high-level officials from APO member economies during final quarter of 2022, who expressed strong interest in working with the APO to identify key factors for productivity growth in 2023 and beyond.
Based on our accomplishments in 2022, the APO aims for the full-fledged implementation of projects including the in-person 65th Session of the Governing Body in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. It also plans to increase collaboration with other organizations and strengthen the APO’s leadership of the productivity movement in the Asia-Pacific region and worldwide while continuing to follow the three principles of “synergy, corporate governance, and transparency” in activities throughout the New Year.
We look forward to the support and cooperation of all working for productivity in 2023 and extend best wishes for your health and success.
Dr. Indra Pradana Singawinata