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Improving the visibility of the APO is part of an overall effort to share the benefits of its activities with as many stakeholders as possible. It is thus encouraging that many national productivity organizations (NPOs) have publicized APO projects hosted in their countries through various channels.
The recent issue of the MPC International e-Newsletter published by the Malaysia Productivity Corporation, the NPO of Malaysia, features an APO training course on the Development of Productivity Practitioners: Advanced Program, held in Malaysia, 2−20 November 2009. The entire issue was devoted to the training course. The newsletter includes the full text of the welcoming speech delivered by MPC Director General Mohd. Razali Hussain and the introductory remarks delivered by APO Secretary-General Shigeo Takenaka at the opening ceremony of the course. A brief summary of the contents of the course and participants’ comments on it were also featured along with project photos of activities during the three-week course.
The APO believes that this type of effort will create wider awareness of the APO and its endeavors as well as publicize the contributions of NPOs to the development of the Asia-Pacific region. The APO thanks the MPC for its efforts and hopes that more NPOs will undertake similar promotional activities on behalf of the APO and its projects.