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The Asian Productivity Organization (APO) envisions a future when inclusive productivity drives sustainable growth and development across the Asia-Pacific. Central to this vision is the belief that every individual, regardless of background or location, contributes to and benefits from the process of productivity enhancement. The APO thus recognizes the crucial role of youth engagement and their untapped potential to pave the way toward achieving this vision.
In Indonesia, Farmers’ Agricultural Rural Training Centers have been developing young rural community leaders. Their successes in enhancing youth engagement and contributing to rural development initiatives can serve as models for similar efforts in other APO members. In collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia, a multicountry observational study mission (OSM) on Millennial Leaders to Drive Rural Development was carried out from 11 to 13 July in Bali, Indonesia.
Delegates representing 15 APO members in Bali, Indonesia.
Forty-four representatives from 15 APO members took part in the study mission to observe successful youth-led rural enterprises that use innovative business platforms to contribute to sustainable rural development. Insights from two local resource persons and four site visits to youth-led initiatives showcased how young leaders, driven by their passion, digital prowess, entrepreneurial approach, and fresh value propositions, can transform rural communities. The topics covered included an overview of rural development policies, review of critical success factors in attracting youth to agriculture, and strategies adopted in APO members to involve millennial leaders in agricultural productivity initiatives.
Participants led by millennial leaders during the site visits to model rural development communities.
With the aging farming population being a significant concern across APO members, this OSM underscored the imperative of engaging youth to achieve sustainable, inclusive rural development. The successful implementation of this OSM signals a positive shift toward harnessing the potential of young people to rejuvenate rural economies, laying the foundation for future sustainable, inclusive growth.