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The concept of a cashless society, characterized by the absence of physical currency in financial transactions, is gaining traction in the Asia-Pacific region. This shift toward [Read More]
The APO Vision 2025 aims for inclusive, innovation-led productivity growth, highlighting the role of business dynamism and innovation in socioeconomic progress. Governments, policymakers, and organizations play [Read More]
As the backbone of all economies, SMEs must adapt to the digital era to stay competitive and enhance productivity. Digital upgrading encompasses integrating advanced technologies and [Read More]
Digital transformation is crucial for enhancing productivity and socioeconomic development. The APO recognizes the necessity for more effective strategies and frameworks to address the evolving digital [Read More]
The global push for sustainability is propelling major economies to formulate action plans, with the ROC preparing to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. To assist in [Read More]
SMEs are global engines of growth and innovation, constituting 99% of all businesses and employing over 60% of the workforce. However, reports indicate that 67% of [Read More]
The informal economy, a crucial source of livelihood for billions, continues to expand. Despite their role in generating economic value, informal workers face vulnerabilities such as [Read More]
To introduce methods and technologies for enhancing food quality, safety, and productivity among APO members, the National Productivity Organisation of Bangladesh held an online workshop on [Read More]
L-R: Dr. Pungkas Bahjuri Ali, APO Secretary-General Dr. Indra Pradana Singawinata, Dr. Chairil Abdini, and Professor Herawati Sudoyo.
Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Secretary-General Dr. Indra Pradana [Read More]
Fiji is embracing digital transformation, leveraging technology as a strategic tool to boost productivity and support organizational development. A Bilateral Cooperation between NPOs project on Innovation, [Read More]