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The APO recognizes the diverse, unique strengths of its members and offers opportunities for mutual collective benefit through the Individual-country Observational Study Mission (IOSM) Program to [Read More]
Productivity champions and stakeholders gathered in Ulaanbaatar to celebrate Mongolia’s fame and reputation as the “land of mighty warriors” when the country celebrated three decades of [Read More]
This P-Talk highlights innovative technologies available for SMEs in the food sector. Yusuf Tokdemir, Agrifood Industry Specialist, Turkey, showcases successful
Energy efficiency and management are prominent tools under the APO’s Green Productivity framework to strengthen the triple bottom line of
This P-Talk shares the findings of the APO Productivity Outlook 2021, a joint APO and Korea Development Institute (KDI)
This P-Talk discusses how intelligent automation (a combination of robotic process automation and artificial intelligence) in the service sector can offer unprecedented economies of scale and [Read More]
Agrifood supply chains involve multiple stakeholders, materials, and steps. Stakeholders include farmers, processors, distributors, retailers, and consumers from different locations. The materials vary from raw materials [Read More]
As a regional catalyst, the APO builds the capacity of NPOs and other stakeholders to improve productivity in its members. The Development of Productivity Specialists is [Read More]
Due to cancer, stroke, etc., approximately 300,000 people worldwide lose their ability to speak every year. One way to restore the voice is with an electrolarynx [Read More]
SMEs are the economic backbone in most countries. The global pandemic has hit SMEs hard and forced many to go out of business. Consultant Tushar Sharma, [Read More]