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Governments in Asia and the Pacific and beyond face challenges in delivering improved performance in key areas of public service. More voices are questioning the traditional [Read More]
In this APO Productivity Talk, Prof. Patarapong from GRIPS of Japan will discuss his research results on the roles of public research institutes (PRIs) in driving [Read More]
In advanced economies including the USA, UK, and Japan, the service and the digital economy (SDE) constitutes over 70% of annual GDP. Manufacturing is undoubtedly essential, [Read More]
Organizations can make good use of platform design toolkits to maximize the productivity of the workforce. Your organization should also be a platform where people [Read More]
Additional Secretary Saeed Ahmad Nawaz, Ministry of Industries and Production, and APO Alternate Director for Pakistan, has served in top positions in various government departments.
This [Read More]
Pest outbreaks continue even as farmers struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent locust outbreaks have caused devastating crop damage in Africa and are expanding toward Asia. [Read More]
Two-thirds of the world’s population will live in urban areas by 2050. Policymakers must therefore address issues such as productivity and innovation capacity to support urban [Read More]
While COVID-19 has caused tremendous socioeconomic loss and suffering, it has also opened opportunities for an environmentally sustainable future.
This APO Talk with Institute for Global [Read More]
Many factors play an important role in unlocking all employees’ full potential, like leadership, organizational culture, mindset, etc. In this session, Francis Cholle, best-selling author of [Read More]
SMEs, the backbone of all economies, must be resilient, innovative, and technologically advanced to reduce costs and raise productivity without degrading the environment.
The APO developed [Read More]