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Natural calamities or situations like COVID-19 can disrupt fundamental systems including agriculture and food and endanger the livelihoods of workers. Farmers are essential workers, and it [Read More]
For the APO, promoting inclusiveness means engaging all in local and national productivity drives. This session will explore “inclusiveness” in the context of investment in education, [Read More]
Industry 4.0 is ushering in a new era through digitalization and interconnected communications in all aspects of production. Turkey’s Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Development Organization supports [Read More]
Current APO Chair Dr. Ha Minh Hiep of Vietnam and Professor Chen-Fu Chien, Tsing Hua Chair Professor & Micron Chair Professor, National Tsing Hua University, of [Read More]
Disruptions by Industry 4.0, technologies, and trade wars were already causing the realignment of global supply chains, and economies worldwide were in a tailspin. The #COVID-19 [Read More]
The adoption of Industry 4.0 solutions, including smart technology, cyberphysical systems, big data, robotics, and more, has significantly accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Services are one [Read More]
Philip Kotler once said, “Marketing is not simply a sales promotion tool. Rather, it should be used by corporations as a business strategy to fulfill their [Read More]
Christian Sarkar is the co-founder of the Wicked 7 Project, a design initiative to save humanity from itself. Along with Philip Kotler, the father of modern [Read More]
With the increasing global population, Industry 4.0 applications throughout agrifood value chains can help achieve food security. Blockchains, the IoT, and AI give farmers greater access [Read More]
SMEs make up the bulk of industrial and economic entities worldwide and provide the most jobs. As seen in successful economies, public policy support for SMEs [Read More]