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APO-Keio Special Lecture hosted by the APO and Keio Economic Observatory (KEO), Keio University, on 22 May 2014. Professor Dale W. Jorgenson, Samuel Morris University Professor, [Read More]
Professor Laurence Prusak holding the audience spellbound. He spoke on Driving Knowledge Productivity: How Can Organizations Achieve Better Outcomes from Knowledge-centric Work? at the APO Secretariat [Read More]
The 56th Governing Body Meeting (GBM) of the APO opened in Hanoi on 15 April 2014 and concluded on the 17th. Fifty-four delegates comprising APO directors [Read More]
The 56th Governing Body Meeting (GBM) of the APO opened in Hanoi on 15 April 2014. Fifty-two delegates comprising APO directors and their advisers from 19 [Read More]
The Green Productivity Advisory Committee (GPAC) follow-up meeting was held on 11 April 2014 in Tokyo and attended by more than 40 GPAC members and observers. [Read More]
Taipei successfully hosted the APO’s Eco-products International Fair (EPIF) from 13 to 16 March at the Taipei World Trade Center. President Ying-Jeou Ma and Vice Minister [Read More]
For the first time, the Republic of China (ROC) is hosting the Asian Productivity Organization’s (APO’s) Eco-Products International Fair (EPIF) from 13 to 16 March at [Read More]
While in Pakistan to attend the Workshop on Government Performance Management Systems organized by the National Productivity Organization from 6 to 9 January, APO Secretary-General Mari [Read More]
Photos courtesy of National Training & Productivity Centre, Fiji National University
During the Inaugural Session and Plenary Session I:
Site visit:
Closing session: