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The Asian Productivity Organization (APO) launched the 2014 edition of the APO Productivity Databook featuring comparative productivity analysis and economic growth for Asian countries at [Read More]
The 55th Workshop Meeting of Heads of NPOs (WSM) convened in Colombo from 21–23 October 2014. It was attended by 35 NPO and agriculture delegates and [Read More]
The Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Mobile Productivity Database presents 95 economic indicators closely related to productivity in a format specially designed for smartphones. This app gives [Read More]
APO Director for Iran and NIPO Head Dr. Roya Tabatabaei Yazdi presenting a certificate to a Food Product and Sugar Industries Yasuj representative during the closing [Read More]
Nepal Television (NTV), the pioneer station in the country, in association with the APO and National Productivity and Economic Development Center (NPEDC) launched a Demonstration Project [Read More]
An original, highly interactive, technically focused, completely hands-on, practice-oriented 10-day workshop on Energy Audits and Energy Efficiency was organized by the APO and National Productivity Council [Read More]
APO-Keio Special Lecture hosted by the APO and Keio Economic Observatory (KEO), Keio University, on 22 May 2014. Professor Dale W. Jorgenson, Samuel Morris University Professor, [Read More]
Professor Laurence Prusak holding the audience spellbound. He spoke on Driving Knowledge Productivity: How Can Organizations Achieve Better Outcomes from Knowledge-centric Work? at the APO Secretariat [Read More]
The 56th Governing Body Meeting (GBM) of the APO opened in Hanoi on 15 April 2014 and concluded on the 17th. Fifty-four delegates comprising APO directors [Read More]