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The 11th Annual Meeting of the Green Productivity Advisory Committee (GPAC) of the APO was held in Tokyo, 28 January 2013. The GPAC comprises high-level representatives [Read More]
Photos courtesy of Directorate General of Training and Productivity Development, Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration.
Bali played host to the 53rd Workshop Meeting of Heads of NPOs (WSM), 23–25 October. Thirty-seven NPO and agriculture delegates and 19 advisers representing APO member [Read More]
APO Secretary-General Ryuichiro Yamazaki attended the 43rd Colombo Plan (CP) Consultative Committee Meeting (CCM) as an observer, 11 to 12 October 2012. The CCM was hosted [Read More]
A delegation from Myanmar, headed by Chairman Kyaw Thu of the Union Civil Service Board, visited Japan under the sponsorship of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF) [Read More]
The Asian Productivity Organization (APO), in collaboration with the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Japan Productivity Center (JPC), hosted a Multicountry Observational Study [Read More]
In October 2010, SPRING launched the Productivity Management Programme (PMP) to help SMEs diagnose their productivity performance and get advice on how they can make improvements. [Read More]
During the inaugural session on 9 August 2012:
Ministers and senior government officials, productivity experts, business leaders, and civil society representatives gathered at the International Conference on Productivity and Sustainable, Inclusive Development in the [Read More]