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14 Feb 2011

14–16 February 2011, Kyoto, Japan

The 27th Top Management Forum on Asian Dynamism and Global Management, hosted by the APO, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry [Read More]

12 Feb 2011

10–12 February 2011, New Delhi, India

The Green Productivity (GP) movement was initiated by the APO in 1994 to help member countries find new avenues for [Read More]

21 Nov 2010

The APO Forum for Promoting Entrepreneurship in Asia will be held from 18 to 21 November 2010 in Kyoto, Japan. Entrepreneurs from APO member countries will [Read More]

10 Nov 2010

9-10 November, Singapore

SPRING Singapore, designated by the APO as its Center of Excellence for Business Excellence, is hosting the 2010 Business Excellence Global Conference in [Read More]

10 Nov 2010

10 November 2010, Tokyo, Japan

Delegates from the five African countries Botswana, Kenya, Mauritius, South Africa, and Zambia, all members of the Pan African Productivity Association, [Read More]

21 Oct 2010

19–21 October 2010, Bangkok, Thailand

Thirty-five NPO and Agriculture delegates from the 19 APO member countries gathered in Bangkok, the dynamic capital of the Kingdom of [Read More]

1 Aug 2010

The APO held a news conference in New Delhi, India 14 July to announce its hosting of the Eco-products International Fair 2011, to be held in [Read More]

25 Jun 2010

Multicountry Observational Study Mission on Quality Awards in APO Member Countries, 21―25 June 2010, Japan

An APO mission on Quality Awards in APO Member Countries visited [Read More]

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