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The Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) along with the APO Secretariat organized an in-country Bilateral Cooperation between NPOs (BCN) project on Public-sector Excellence and Performance Evaluation from Mongolia to the Philippines, 19–22 February. The project included bilateral meetings between the DAP and four representatives from Mongolia to formulate strategies and strengthen development initiatives through the transfer of knowledge and know-how.
Mongolia has been actively pursuing public-sector productivity (PSP) initiatives since 2016 with support from the APO. In 2019, a government directive urged local governance offices to enhance PSP. Subsequently, the Authority of Government Supervisory of Mongolia (AGSM) was established in 2022 to elevate public service quality, bolster organizational capacity, enhance government productivity, improve citizen and employee welfare, and streamline governance processes. Collaborating closely with the AGSM, the Mongolian Productivity Organization (MPO) is spearheading the introduction of the public-sector excellence (PSE) framework. The BCN project provided AGSM specialists with technical assistance to develop and implement effective modules for measuring and enhancing PSP.
The sessions included visits to the DAP office and key Philippine government agencies, such as the National Economic and Development Authority, Civil Service Commission, Department of Budget and Management, and Department of Labor and Employment. Those visits facilitated knowledge exchanges, allowing delegates to glean insights from best practices in promoting PSE and identify potential avenues for collaboration in implementing the PSP framework. The topic of PSP is relevant to most APO members and aligned with the objectives outlined in the APO Vision 2025.