Photos courtesy of SPRING Singapore
Day 1: 17 April 2012
During the Inaugural Session and Plenary Session I:
 (L–R) APO Secretary-General Ryuichiro Yamazaki, Minister of State Lee Yi Shyan, APO Director for Lao PDR Somdy Inmyxai, and APO Director for Singapore Png Cheong Boon. |
 Minister of State Lee Yi Shyan during his inaugural address. |
 APO Director for Singapore Png Cheong Boon delivering the welcome address. |
 APO Director for Lao PDR Somdy Inmyxai giving the opening address. |
 APO Chair and Vice Chairs for 2012–2013: (L–R) APO Chair Azman Hashim, Secretary-General Yamazaki, 1st Vice Chair Yamaaranz Erkhembayar, and 2nd Vice Chair and Acting APO Director for Nepal Narendra Raj Baral. |

- GBM delegates
Day 2: 18 April 2012

- Plenary meeting in session
 (L–R) Director General for Productivity Anil Yilmaz, Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, Turkey; Acting Director Purity Wachuka Kamau, Productivity Centre of Kenya; and Finance Officer Silas Muyela, Ministry of Labour, Kenya; accompanied by Malaysian NPO Head Mohd. Razali Hussain. |
 Chairman of SQA Governing Council awarding Singapore Quality Class (Star) to the Principal of Catholic High School Lee Hak Boon. |
Day 3: 19 April 2012
 Secretary-General Ryuichiro Yamazaki (center) preparing to cut the fruit-laden APO birthday cake arranged by SPRING for the GBM. |