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The APO introduced the Green Productivity (GP) concept in 1994 to combine productivity and quality enhancement with better environmental performance. The implementation of GP methodology can help enterprises improve their competitiveness and maintain profitability, leading to overall greener growth. The GP methodologies explore pathways and adopt methods to reduce CO2 emissions and encourage industrial growth while simultaneously reducing dependency on finite natural resources to sustain economic progress. The APO Vision 2025 focuses on inclusive, innovation-led productivity growth through the promotion and adoption of GP as a strategic thrust.
Since 2001, numerous projects have been conducted to build a critical mass of GP specialists who can act as consultants, trainers, and promoters to assist industry in decoupling business growth from environmental degradation. The introduction of the Accreditation Program in 2018 elevated the role of the APO as an accreditation body to develop and accredit NPOs to become certification bodies of GP specialists. Potential candidates are required to complete and report on a GP project for further assessment to qualify as APO-certified GP Specialists.
The APO Secretariat in collaboration with the National Productivity Organization, Pakistan, organized a training course on Green Productivity, 23–27 May. This five-day course is a prerequisite for APO certification of GP specialists under the requirements detailed in APO-GPS 201:2019: Certification Scheme and Competency Standard for GP Specialists. Thirty-seven participants from 12 APO members attended. One local resource person from Pakistan and two international resource persons from Norway and Singapore delivered presentations on topics related to the GP framework including its tools, technologies, and methodology to strengthen the triple bottom line of enterprise profitability, quality, and environmental performance.