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The public sector plays a significant role in modern economies. According to the UN, as in the business sector, innovation can be a major source of productivity growth, cost savings, and improvements in service quality to benefit citizens and enterprises. It also emphasized that the ability of the public sector to innovate is increasingly seen as a critical element of economy-wide innovation performance.
Featuring Prof. Enric Segarra, Professor of Innovation, University of Deusto, this APO Productivity Talk will explore the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environment in which the public sector operates and explain the driving forces that accelerate changes in it such as the convergence of new/exponential technologies, evolving needs and preferences of citizens, and regulatory and policy revisions. It will highlight the shifting role of the public sector from a reactive/passive (often perceived as a bureaucratic) actor to a leading transformation player at macro and micro levels. This session will also look into the nudge theory that influences behavior without the coercion of citizens.
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