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How Working Women’s Lives Are Changing during the COVID-19 Pandemic

12 May 2020

Productivity Talk on 14 May 2020

How Working Women's Lives Are Changing during the COVID-19 Pandemic_Productivity Talk by the APO

The COVID-19 pandemic is exposing the vulnerabilities of women in the labor force. The closing of many businesses in female-dominated sectors negatively affects women’s employment and causes income loss. When working from home, women shoulder increased unpaid additional care for children and the elderly.

For girls pursuing education, educational divides will increase their disadvantages in seeking productive employment in the future. In developing countries where a vast number of women are working in the informal economy, the situation is dismal.

In this APO Productivity Talk, discover insights on these issues and government efforts to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on working women.

Click here to watch.

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