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On 22 September 2022, Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Secretary-General Indra Pradana Singawinata paid a courtesy visit to H.E. Heri Akhmadi, Ambassador of Indonesia to Japan, in Tokyo. During the meeting, Secretary-General Singawinata and Ambassador Akhmadi exchanged ideas on how to raise the productivity of workers through reskilling and upskilling, particularly with regard to meeting the needs of the labor market of the future. The discussion also highlighted the need for strong partnership and support from various stakeholders, including APO member governments including Japan.
Ambassador Akhmadi expressed interest in widening the application of the APO’s green productivity concept and techniques to help SMEs in the Asia-Pacific region become more profitable and sustainable at the same time. He pointed out that the postpandemic world has presented SMEs with additional challenges in contributing to socioeconomic progress and sustainable development.
In closing, Secretary-General Singawinata conveyed his appreciation to Ambassador Akhmadi for the opportunity to exchange ideas, saying he looked forward to more synergies within the productivity movement in APO member economies.