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Recognizing the importance of industrial engineering (IE) in enhancing productivity and to increase understanding of the potential impact of IE on productivity improvement in SMEs, the APO organized a multicountry observational study mission on Industrial Engineering Techniques for Productivity Improvement in SMEs in Singapore, 7–10 November.
CEO Lim of TranZplus explaining visual control management measures at the company.
Ranked as the second most competitive economy in the world with nearly half of its GDP contributed by SMEs, the selection of Singapore as the host of the mission was beneficial for the 18 participants from 16 APO member countries. They represented SMEs, NPOs, government ministries and state-owned enterprises, and NGOs. Held at the Village Hotel Albert Court in Singapore, the workshop was led by experienced resource persons Dr. Chien Liang James Chen of National Tsing Hua University (ROC), Lean Independent Consultant Kritchai Anakamanee (Thailand) and Managing Director Kelvin Chan of Teian Consulting (Singapore).
The study mission participants also visited the Toolbox facilities of Straits Construction Group, Hans F&B, and TranZplus Engineering to observe and learn from the best IE practices in SMEs across different sectors. While sharing the recipe for success in maintaining employee loyalty, CEO Nelson Lim of TranZplus shared details of the “Chiong” program that enables organizations to engage families of staff members by inviting them to observe the overall production facilities and work patterns.
Safety briefing at the Toolbox facility of Straits Construction Group.