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The ROC has worked intensively over the past two decades to develop smart grid infrastructure and green energy, along with supporting technologies, policy infrastructure, and business networks necessary for the transformation. In recognition of those efforts, in 2013, the China Productivity Center was designated by the APO as its Center of Excellence on Green Productivity (GP). To share the results achieved by the ROC, the APO recently conducted a multicountry observational study mission on Promoting Green Productivity with Focus on Smart Grids and Green Energy in Taipei, for 22 participants and three observers from 13 member countries.
Participants getting a firsthand view of the photovoltaic modules and cloud-based energy management and monitoring systems at AU Optronics Corporation.
Resource persons from the ROC, Japan, and the USA presented case studies from their own countries and referenced experiences in projects in France, Spain, and the UK. The presentations covered the GP benefits as well as challenges in developing sustainable power systems.
Travelling through half of Taiwan Island, the mission observed innovative applications of solar and wind power by the ROC’s largest power generation and distribution company, Taiwan Power Company. They also saw the latest technologies on fuel cells, portable micro grids, and ROC’s largest roof-top PV systems from Chung Hsin Electric and Machinery and AU Optronics.
The observational study mission also focused on showcasing how these technologies could be integrated into daily life and the participants were impressed by Tatung Company’s community-based microgrids that provide self-sustaining power supplies to remote areas and Living 3.0’s automated systems integrating green buildings, smart devices, and recycling and renewable energy systems.
Expressing their satisfaction about the study mission, the participants committed to sharing the abundant knowledge gained from the mission in developing appropriate strategies for sustainable power supply and consumption in their respective countries. They also expressed willingness to learn about related topics like green funding, rural electrification, and business models for renewable energy and smart grids through similar APO programs in the future. Calling the study mission “very informative and a wonderful experience,” Jammu & Kashmir Energy Development Agency Dy. Chief Executive Officer Dr. Prithvi Raj Dhar said that he plans to introduce microgrid technologies in India so that they can cover and benefit all areas in his state.
Participants, observers, and experts of the multicountry observational study mission on Promoting Green Productivity with Focus on Smart Grids and Green Energy, Taipei.
Photos: Taiwan Environmental Management Association