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The APO Secretariat is pleased to endorse the event commemorating the 15th anniversary of the Singapore Quality Award (SQA) organized by SPRING Singapore and the SQA team, which will host the APO Workshop for Senior Assessors and the Global Excellence Model Systems (GEMS) Council meeting. In conjunction with these events, the Business Excellence Global Conference will showcase the best practices of award-winning organizations from around the world, 3–4 November. Visit the Web site below for further information on registration and program details.
The SQA was established in 1994 and more than 30 organizations have received awards. The SQA is an advanced award system in the APO region.
The GEM Council represents the USA, Europe, Australia, Latin America, Singapore, India, and Japan. Its primary objectives include: 1) maintaining a leading position in excellence models; 2) identifying business trends and external factors that affect business excellence models; 3) exploring opportunities for new products and activities; and 4) coordinating and sharing specific award activities.