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“Regulations” refer to the use of legal instruments to adopt government policy interventions. Appropriate regulations serve to complement the democratic process and market economy to provide a fair, equitable, efficient environment for citizens and organizations to operate in, enabling the improvement of productivity communitywide. Under the APO Public-sector Productivity Framework, good regulatory practices (GRP) are an important aspect contributing to the overall efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity of the public sector. With the growing interest in GRP among member economies and in line with the APO strategic thrust of contributing to a regulatory environment that stimulates innovation, this course focused on capacity building.
To learn about the fundamentals of GRP in the public sector and examine the requirements for a stable, enabling regulatory environment to support productivity and economic growth, the APO Secretariat collaborated with the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) in organizing a training course on Good Regulatory Practices, 23–27 September in Manila. Twenty-four participants from 14 APO members attended the course, with resource persons from Malaysia and the UK.
Participants were familiarized with the concepts of: GRP principles and frameworks, regulatory impact analysis, effective enforcement and monitoring, communication, implementation and compliance, risk-based regulation, and the future of GRP. Site visits were made to public-sector organizations to examine GRP procedures in operation.