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The transformative role of the APO’s Technical Expert Services (TES) in boosting public-sector productivity and fostering innovation has been demonstrated through recent initiatives in the Philippines and Turkiye.
In the Philippines, a TES project contributed to strengthening the nation’s civil service. As part of the Capability Building on Innovative Leadership for Legislative Staff (CBILLS) program implemented by the Center for Governance (CFG) of the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP), an online in-country TES project on the Blue Ocean Strategy and Leadership (BOSL) was carried out 3–7 July. Emphasizing the role of Congress in balancing the powers of government and enacting innovative legislative measures, this TES project supported the National Economic and Development Authority’s objectives outlined in the Philippine Development Plan 2023–28. Twenty participants from the Philippine Senate and House of Representatives gained insights on BOSL frameworks and tools through the sessions facilitated by two resource persons from Kazakhstan and Sri Lanka.
Meanwhile, in Turkiye, a TES project on Improvement of Public-sector Efficiency Using a Blockchain-based Database was implemented between 4 and 7 July in Ankara and Bolu. It aimed at leveraging blockchain technology to increase efficiency within the Turkish Ministry of Industry and Technology’s (MoIT) Entrepreneur Information System (EIS), a centralized data source for strategic research and decision-making. Two resource persons from India and Singapore introduced and guided 38 participants from the MoIT and other EIS stakeholders on the application of blockchain technology in enhancing operational efficiency, transparency, and security in public-sector organizations.
Through strategic training and capacity-building workshops, these TES projects highlighted the importance of advanced technologies and innovative leadership strategies in the public sector. With the APO’s assistance, public institutions in member economies are moving toward improved productivity, security, and efficiency, shaping a future where data-driven decision-making is secure, efficient, and effective.